Western Kosher Supermarket

Information About Western Kosher Supermarket
4817 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90019
Rating (average)
Rabbinical Supervision
Service Hours
Sun: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Mon - Wed: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Thurs: 7:00 AM - 7:30 PM
Fri: 7:00 AM - 2:30 PM -
Succah On Succot
Nine Days Menu
Open For Pesach
Not Required
Credit Cards
- Online Order
About Western Kosher Supermarket
Western Kosher Meat & Groceries really puts the “super” in supermarket. Twice: we should mention that Western Kosher has two locations, one on Fairfax Avenue and one on Pico Boulevard. Both make excellent use of that space, filling it wall-to-wall with everything you could possibly need to run a kosher household on the West Coast, from core groceries to premier takeout to baby needs to health and beauty products to holiday supplies and special seasonal items. Fresh produce is stocked daily at each, and in-house food preparation for the hot and cold takeout counters assures freshness - and wonderful flavor, as long-time customers of Western Kosher can attest.
Keep an eye out for “Thursdays with Chef John,” in which Western Kosher’s Executive Chef, John G Palmer, takes you through a rapidfire rundown of all (and we mean ALL) the specials for Shabbos and upcoming holidays. There’s a constant rotation, so keep an eye out for your favorites, although everything looks so good we’re sure you’ll soon have so many favorites you won’t be able to count them on your fingers.
And as for rotation: if you’re shopping in the evening at Pico, you might witness the changing of the guard - we mean chefs - as Chef Leonardo Nourafchan takes over the Western Kosher kitchen and guesthouse, and transforms it into Lenny’s Casita!
Want to be on top of the game? Western Kosher has email updates, with a Saturday night review of the upcoming weekly sales, as well as a regular Flash Sale Tuesday, during which featured items can be priced as up to 50% off!
Want to get in on these deals, but don’t live near either location? You’re in luck: Western Kosher lives up to its regionally-inspired name, and delivers to communities across the West Coast. Regular delivery locations include Phoenix, Arizona, Salt Lake City, Utah, and even several locations in Hawaii! Western Kosher also continues to support local Jewish dining beyond the individual household, by selling wholesale to local businesses so life in LA can continue to be sunny, bright, and delicious.
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